1. Game Giveaways
  2. Gears 5

Installs: 294
Game Description

Gears 5 Free Game Screenshot
Gears 5 is the largest game of the famous saga, in which the network battles have become even hotter, and the storyline campaign is even more exciting. In campaign mode, the swarm has taken control of the Coalition’s army of robots and is attacking human cities. Find out together with Kate Diaz the nature of her mysterious relationship with the swarm. In the new "Escape" joint game mode, three players have to destroy the hive by penetrating its very heart. Arcade mode "Confrontation" will please fans of fast, exciting and chaotic skirmishes. In the cooperative "Horde" mode, you and four of your friends will have to repulse waves of opponents, build fortifications, collect energy and develop your skills. And the map editor will allow you to create your own maps for the "Escape" mode and arrange a test for your friends.
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