1. Game Giveaways
  2. The Last Stand Aftermath

Installs: 146
Game Description

The Last Stand Aftermath Free Game Screenshot
The Last Stand: Aftermath is a single-player zombie apocalypse game in the genre of action-adventure and roguelite. Your character has been infected, and sooner or later he will die, because the undead or virus raging in his body will kill him. But after the death of your character, you will return to the game again with a new survivor, retaining all the skills and improvements from the previous playthrough, and can continue your journey. Be cunning and outsmart hordes of rabid infected, some of whom have deadly special abilities. Collect materials that can be turned into weapons and supplies. Risk undergoing powerful mutations that will make you stronger, but can turn you into the undead.
Giveaways Zombie Third Person Action Shooter
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